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How to Avoid the Obstacles of Decluttering

Now in my blogs I have facts, but I also bring in real life scenarios and unfortunately for my wife most of those real life scenarios include her. I will preface that I think we both have issues with cluttering, and hold onto things for sentimental reasons. These feelings often times can bubble over, and it usually occures during a move, or Spring Cleaning.

Well Chelsea and I decided to move, and I thought it would be a prime opportunity for us, yes us to go through all of her clothes, and "purge" items that she doesn't wear anymore. It was safe to say we had many a tense moments, battles over a few outfits that she very well could have worn on one of our first dates back in 2008, but I came out of it with all my limbs attached and a closet with much more room for her to go shopping and re-fill up. oh joy!

The inner struggle that occured in the beginning of that process, slowly lessened and we were able to move forward at a quick enough pace so I wouldn't go insane!

I'm going to leave you with some of the things that were said, and how you can counteract those emotions to keep the De-clutter moving!

"It belonged to a family member" Does the item give you joy, or is it something your holding onto for no reason. If it's not giving you joy then get rid of it!

"It was given to me as a gift" Sometimes gift givers get it wrong, thats what local Salvation Army is for, someone may cherish an item that didn't work for you.

"I might need this someday" IF you don't need it now, you wont need it later!

"It cost alot of money" IF you aren't getting rid of things because you think you can re-sell you are living in a pipe-dream. JUST LET IT GO!

Control is what decluttering is all about!

My words of wisdom for the day....Garrett

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Garrett Gillon-
Real Estate Specialist
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